St George’s will be running a course looking at images of Jesus during Lent. It will take place in the Side Chapel on Mondays at 11:30am.
Major Events
Logon and Registration
- 08/09/2024
8:00 am Holy Communion (BCP)
9:45 am Bell Ringing for worship
10:15 am Holy Communion (CW) Live streamed from church
- 09/09/2024
7:45 pm Bell ringing practice
- 10/09/2024
10:00 am Praise and Play in the Parish Rooms
- 11/09/2024
9:30 am Live stream Morning Prayer
10:00 am BCP Communion
- 15/09/2024
8:00 am Holy Communion (BCP)
9:45 am Bell Ringing for worship
10:15 am Holy Communion (CW) Live streamed from church
- 16/09/2024
7:45 pm Bell ringing practice
- 17/09/2024
10:00 am Praise and Play in the Parish Rooms
- 18/09/2024
9:30 am Live stream Morning Prayer
10:00 am BCP Communion
- 22/09/2024
8:00 am Holy Communion (BCP)
9:45 am Bell Ringing for worship
10:15 am Holy Communion (CW) Live streamed from church
- 23/09/2024
7:45 pm Bell ringing practice
- 24/09/2024
10:00 am Praise and Play in the Parish Rooms
- 25/09/2024
9:30 am Live stream Morning Prayer
10:00 am BCP Communion
- 29/09/2024
8:00 am Holy Communion (BCP)
9:45 am Bell Ringing for worship
10:15 am Holy Communion (CW) Live streamed from church
- 30/09/2024
7:45 pm Bell ringing practice
- 01/10/2024
10:00 am Praise and Play in the Parish Rooms
- 02/10/2024
9:30 am Live stream Morning Prayer
10:00 am BCP Communion
- 04/10/2024
1:00 pm Live Stream Messy Church Bake Off
- 06/10/2024
8:00 am Holy Communion (BCP)
9:45 am Bell Ringing for worship
10:15 am Holy Communion (CW) Live streamed from church